Mental illness is a type of condition that affects the way the brain processes information, and many different mental illnesses have different symptoms and causes. Mental illness does not only affect someone’s mood or behavior, but it can also change the way that they feel and think, which can affect the way that they interact with the world.
Some types of mental illness can affect the way you communicate with people, such as mood disorders, while others can change the way that you behave, like personality disorders.
There are also disorders like substance abuse and trauma and stress-related disorders that can come on suddenly or progress over time. Regardless of the mental illness that you or a loved one is suffering with, it could make living an ordinary life nearly impossible. However, if you would like to learn more about the common mental health conditions, continue to read the below sections.
Mood Disorders
There are many types of mood disorders, but they all affect how a person feels and thinks, which alters the way that they live their life. If a person is suffering from depression, bipolar disorder, or self-harm, their behavior or mood can drastically be altered because of the disorder. Mood disorders can come and go, known as “occasional” disorders, or can be long-term, or “chronic” disorders. People who suffer from mood disorders may not be able to leave their beds during severe cases, and others may be at risk of suicide. Regardless of the kind of mood disorder person has or how long each instance might last, not getting treatment can prevent a person from living an ordinary life.
Anxiety Disorders
Having an anxiety disorder is not the same as being anxious about a particular event, whether the anxiousness if out of fear or excitement. If you live with an anxiety disorder, you may greet everyday situations with dread and fear, and the continuous fear throughout the day can prevent you from accomplishing daily tasks like going to work or school. There are many anxiety disorders, and they range from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), which is chronic anxiety, to social anxiety, which is a social phobia. Since those who suffer from anxiety disorders constantly live with worry, it can be hard for them to lead healthy lives, such as keeping a job, going to school or taking care of their family.
Personality Disorders
People who have personality disorders have a hard time in their everyday life because these disorders affect the way that people think and behave around others. If you suffer from a personality order, you are prone to having unhealthy thoughts and behaviors, even if you are not aware that you have a personality disorder. There are more than half a dozen different types of personality disorders, and they are divided into three clusters, which include odd or eccentric behavior, dramatic, emotional or erratic behavior, and anxious and fearful behavior. Since there are so many personality disorders, the signs for each one are not the same, and even the symptoms of the disorders in the same cluster vary. Having a personality disorder cannot only cause pain to the person who is suffering from the disorder, but also to the people who are part of their lives.
Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders
Mental illness is not always something that develops over time nor is it something that is always genetic. Sometimes, if a person is confronted with a traumatic or stressful event, they can develop a trauma and stress-related disorder. Immediately after a dangerous or threatening event, a person may be diagnosed with Acute Stress Disorder (ASD), which if it last longer than a month, can develop into Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Most people will develop a trauma and stress-related disorder after they have been met with violence or abuse, witness violence such as military combat, and other types of accidents.
You can also be diagnosed with a trauma and stress-related disorder if you have experienced the death of a loved one, if you have been recently diagnosed with a severe illness, or if you have suffered from childhood neglect. If you have a disorder related to trauma or stress, the constant flashbacks to the event or constant bad dreams may prevent you from living a healthy life. If left untreated, you may not be able to adjust back to how your life was before the event.
Substance Abuse
Although there are many misconceptions, substance abuse is a mental health condition. When a user is high on drugs, they do not act the same as they do when they are sober. Also known as, drug addiction, substance abuse is a disease that can also lead to health risks, legal troubles, along with changes in behavior. Many substances can be abused and they can range from legal substances like alcohol, nicotine and prescription drugs, to illegal street and club drugs like cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine. Those with substance abuse problems often have altered judgment and thinking, which can lead to overall changes in their personalities. After a person has become addicted to a substance, it may be hard for them to admit that they have a problem, let alone agree to seek help, which is why it is crucial for you to understand the addictive conditions that they are experiencing.
Learn Further About Common Mental Health Conditions
If you or a loved one has a mental illness, they may not be the only one who suffers. When a loved one cannot control their behavior, emotions, actions or the substance that they put into their body, it can be hard to help them get the support they may desperately need. Before you can help them, you need to be sure that you know all that you can about their mental health condition. If you would like to learn more about the various mental health conditions, continue to read the following pages. No matter what you take away from the information, you are one-step closer to helping yourself, or your loved one, achieve the professional help that is needed.
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