Category: Mental Health Basics

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence: Enhancing Relationships and Mental Wellness

Emotional intelligence (EI) is an integral skill that allows us to navigate our social world effectively. It is the ability … Read More

The Impact of Screen Time on Brain Development

Children are becoming more accustomed to interacting with a screen on a daily basis, either through contact with an iPad, … Read More

Reducing the Stigma of Mental Illness

Mental illness affects millions every day. Some may manage their conditions with treatment and counselling, while others could be afraid … Read More

Beginner’s Guide to Self-Care

Your inbox is filling up with work emails that need to be addressed. You have a mountain of laundry at … Read More

The Types of Mental Health Professionals

It is easy to confuse one type of mental health professional with another, but it is important to educate yourself … Read More

Common Misconceptions About Mental Health and Mental Illness

There are a lot of misconceptions about mental health and mental illness, such as that mental illness is rare or … Read More